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Women Step Up

Uneix-te a la nostra exclusiva comunitat WOMEN STEP UP!

WOMEN STEP UP és la nostra iniciativa dissenyada per donar suport i connectar les nostres corredores de Trail100 Andorra. Aquest projecte té com a objectiu empoderar les atletes femenines proporcionant-los els recursos i la comunitat que les acompanyin en el salt a la llarga distància.

Aquí tens el que pots esperar:

Sessions d’Entrenament Mensuals Plans d’entrenament elaborats per una corredora professional de trail i entrenadora certificada, dissenyats per millorar el teu rendiment i ajudar-te a assolir els teus objectius.

Reunions Mensuals Participa en reunions mensuals amb la nostra corredora professional de trail, el moment indeal per fer preguntes, compartir experiències i mantenir-te motivada.

Suport Comunitari Forma part de la comunitat de corredores de Trail100 Andorra. Comparteix entrenaments, dubtes, inspira’t i celebreu els vostres èxits juntes.


Women Step Up program is an optional activity provided by the Organiser of the Event and considered as an “Activity” under the applicable Event terms and conditions provided to you during the registration of the Event. All terms and conditions and other policies applicable to your Event registration apply to this activity accordingly.

I hereby agree that World Triathlon Corporation, or one of its subsidiaries use the personal data provided in the registration form to contact me and send me information as part of the Women Step Up program, like training plans, Event related information, links to open resources, social media or other media. Please review your rights, how we use your personal data and which subsidiary is responsible for your Event by reading our Privacy Policy